Tilly's definitely on track to be a good fit for UW Madison. She knows her way around a bar at the age of 1.
Grandpa Jim, too bad they never got to meet each other.

This was the fifth year in a row now that we made the sojourn to multiple bars and cemeteries in Sibley County.
This was the second year for Tilly visiting her Grandpa Jim, great grandparents and at least two sets of great-great-grandparents.
When we were in Australia in January, we also visited the graves of some of Tilly's great and great-great-grandparents there too.
It's an amazing, humbling thought to think of the life and wisdom, sorrows and experiences of joy that are coursing through Tilly's veins. She's got blood from Austria in the 1700s; Ireland by way of Jessenland in the 1850s; French Canadians who wound up in Minnesota; and of course, all the good looks, charm and joie de vive from Down Under.
You can't pick your family. But some of them...you would.