Here she is: three weeks old. It's been a while, a week since my last posts. Time is flying by.
These are some shots I took tonight at home while watching the Twins. I think she will be a willing if not enthusiastic model for my photography passion as she grows.
Like I tell everyone, I am biased, but I really think she's one of the prettiest little babies I have ever seen. Luckily, she got her mom's looks and my height.
It's been a busy week. She went to the dog park for the first time on Saturday--made four laps, perfectly content, sleeping in the baby bjorn.
That same day she also went on her first photography scouting trip with me, to a golf course in Oak Grove where I will shoot a wedding in June. She traveled well in the car with Annie, and didn't get too ruffled about anything. I fed her some soy formula as she sat on the back of the car while we waited for my photo client to show up, and that went well (the formula and the client).
We also made a stop at Northern Tool and Equipment on the way home, where she helped me pick out some gardening tools. She made a stop at Holiday, too, and watched as I checked the oil in the car.
I want to involve her in everything I do from as early an age as possible. They already know her by first name at Cupcake, my favorite coffee shop, and I hope to always involve her in my life, everywhere I go and everything I do.
When the time comes, she will choose her own path, but I want to have her by my side every step of the way on my own path to show her everything I know.
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