Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day

Sorry it's been a while. We had some friends in town for July 4, Joe and Sarah from Chicago. They were delighted to meet Tilly, and it was so great to see them, it's been too long!

The normal festivities occurred in our neighborhood: the parade, party in the park, horseshoes, etc. Joe and I had not picked up a horse shoe in several years, but we won the first two matches before falling to Perr and Tryg ,the Hanson brothers.

I didn't have any particular feelings about the holiday this year--nothing different than previous. But I do know that I am lucky enough to live in one of the two greatest nations on Earth. Standing in the back yard at Nick and Katie's house, talking with Marty Neus, we agreed that we there in that throng--even if some of us are laid off, underemployed, hurting compared with 'normal' in this Great Recession--we Americans there at that party are luckier than probably 98% of people on Earth.

As soon as I can get organized and get to the Australian Consulate in Chicago with the right paperwork, Tilly will be a dual citizen of both of the greatest countries on Earth. We are going to have to ramp up our Australia Day and ANZAC Day celebrations.

Anyway, Tilly was--as always--a huge hit in the neighborhood. Here are just a few highlights.

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