Friday, April 10, 2009


April 10 is our official due date, and so here we are.  We're about to head to another doc's appointment, and we're thinking if we don't grab the bags we have packed and the camera, then there's a better chance that he'll tell us that Emma has to go to the hospital ASAP.  

In the past week we have had the due date flip flop a bit on us, but now, no matter what, we're about to be officially over due.  

Emma is seeming to barely tolerate the agony of waiting, of seeing her baby-board friends start to have their babies, the physical discomfort.  I just want to meet Matilda, and see Emma out of pain and discomfort.  


  1. I am following along with you, Pat. This blog is such a good idea. So many people are excited about the happy event. Look forward to seeing the beautiful Matilda. Thinking the good thoughts for you and your Emma!!

  2. I can empathize. Although Christine went 1 day early it was one month too late. The worst was not knowing when it would happen. But when it did it went fast. One minute I was sleeping peacefully and 2 hours and nineteen minutes later I was changing poopy diapers. That reminds me, we still have the placenta in the freezer...
    Pete S

  3. You both are in my thoughts and prayers. I remember what it was like, and as hard as it is, patience is the key. Very soon you will meet that precious little girl that will melt your heart from here until eternity. Take these last last few moments to exist in what is, knowing that whats to come will change "what is" forever...God bless. Chris
